Galeola Loureiro, Fl. Cochinch. 2: 520. 1790.
Pogochilus Falc., J. Bot. (Hooker) 4: 73 (1842).
Herbs saprophytic or semi-shrubs, often with somewhat thick rhizome. Stem erect or climbing, yellowish brown or reddish brown, often stout, slightly fleshy, without green leaves, with scale on node. Raceme or panicle terminal or lateral, with many slightly fleshy flowers; rachis pubescent; floral bracts persistent. Flowers medium-sized, usually yellow or tinged with reddish brown. Sepals separate, abaxially often hairy. Petals slightly smaller than sepals, glabrous; labellum unlobed, usually concave and cupular or saccular, +/- embracing column, conspicuously larger than sepals, base without spur, with longitudinal ridges or callus inside; column often short, thick, upper part enlarged, arching forward, without column foot; anthers inserted at apex of column abaxially; pollinia 2, each with slits, granular-farinaceous, without appendages; stigma large, deeply concave; rostellum short, wide, above stigma. Fruit a legume-like capsule, dry, dehiscent. Seeds with thick testa, surrounded by broad wings.
Comoros to Trop. & Subtrop. Asia

Galeola humblotii Rchb.f. Comoros (Njazidja).

World Checklist of Monocotyledons. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet; accessed1/20/2010
Bibliography and References:

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