Orchis Tourn. ex L., Sp. Pl.: 943: (1753).
Abrochis Neck., Elem. Bot. 3: 130 (1790), opus utique oppr.
Zoophora Bernh., Syst. Verz.: 308 (1800).
Strateuma Salisb., Trans. Hort. Soc. London 1: 290 (1812).
Aceras R.Br. in W.T.Aiton, Hortus Kew. 5: 191 (1813).
× Orchiaceras E.G.Camus, J. Bot. (Morot) 6: 107 (1892).
Chondradenia Maxim. ex Makino, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 16: 89 (1902).
Herbs terrestrial, with rhizomes or underground tubers. Stem usually erect, terete, with tubular sheaths near base. Leaves basal or cauline, alternate, rarely subopposite, 1--5, base contracted into clasping sheaths. Raceme terminal, 1- to many flowered; flowers secund or not; floral bracts lanceolate to ovate; ovary resupinate, pedicellate. Flowers resupinate, small or medium-sized. Sepals free; abaxial sepal erect, often concave; lateral sepals often connivent with abaxial sepal forming a hood; labellum not lobed or 3- or 4-lobed, spurred at base or rarely spurless; column stout; anther erect, base firmly adnate to apex of column, with 2 parallel or divergent locules; pollinia 2, granular-farinaceous, sectile, each attached to a viscidium by a slender caudicle; each viscidium enclosed in a sticky globe, both globes enclosed in a common bursicle formed by folding of rostellar arms; stigma 1, concave, beneath rostellum; rostellum slightly protruding, with 2 arms; staminodes 2, on both sides of column. Capsule erect.
Macaronesia, Medit., Europe to Mongolia
Orchis × algeriensis B.Baumann & H.Baumann | Algeria. |
Orchis anthropophora (L.) All. | W. Europe to Medit. |
Orchis × bergonii Nanteuil | Medit. |
Orchis italica Poir. | Medit. |
Orchis laeta Steinh. | N. Algeria to NW. Tunisia. |
Orchis mascula (L.) L. | Canary Is., N. & C. Europe to Iran. |
Orchis mascula subsp. laxifloriformis Rivas Goday & B.Rodr. | C. Pyrenees to Morocco. |
Orchis mascula subsp. mascula. | Canary Is., Europe, Medit. to Iran. |
Orchis mascula subsp. scopulorum (Summerh.) H.Sund. ex H.Kretzschmar | E. Madeira. |
Orchis olbiensis Reut. ex Gren. | S. France to NW. Africa. |
Orchis patens Desf. | NW. Italy, N. Algeria to N. Tunisia. |
Orchis patens subsp. canariensis (Lindl.) Asch. & Graebn. | Canary Is. |
Orchis patens subsp. patens | NW. Italy, N. Algeria to N. Tunisia. |
Orchis × petterssonii G.Keller ex Pett. | Europe, NW. Africa. |
Orchis × petterssonii nothosubsp. Petterssonii | Europe, NW. Africa. |
Orchis purpurea Huds. | Europe to C. Turkey, NE. Algeria. |
Orchis purpurea subsp. purpurea | Europe to C. Turkey, NE. Algeria. |
Orchis simia Lam. | Europe to Iran, N. Africa. |
Orchis simia subsp. simian | Europe to Iran, N. Algeria to NW. Tunisia. |
Orchis simia subsp. taubertiana (B.Baumann & H.Baumann) Kreutz | NE. Libya. |
Orchis spitzelii Saut. ex W.D.J.Koch | Sweden (Gotland), E. Spain to Caucasus, NW. Africa |
Orchis spitzelii subsp. cazorlensis (Lacaita) D.Rivera & Lopez Velez | C. & E. Spain, Baleares, Morocco. |
Orchis spitzelii subsp. spitzelii | Sweden. (Gotland), NE. Spain to Iran, N. Algeria |
World Checklist of Monocotyledons. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet; http://www.kew.org/wcsp/monocots/ accessed1/20/2010
Bibliography and References:
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Delforge P. 2002 Presence d' Orchis brancifortii en Calabre. (Presence of Orchis brancifortii in Calabria.) Nat. Belg. 83. (orchid.15): 59-66 (2002)
Delforge P. 2005 Note sur Orchis papilionacea var. alibertis. (Note on Orchis papilionacea var. alibertis.) Nat. Belg. 86. 81-90 Fr (En)
Motterle R. 2002 Orchis x angusticruris Franch. (1855). Orchid Dig. 66. (2): 73-74 (2002)
Wrobel D. 2003 Nowe stanowisko Orchis mascula (Orchidaceae). (A new locality for Orchis mascula (Orchidaceae).) Fragm. Flor. Geobot. Polon. 10. 280-281 (2003)