Evotella Kurzweil & H.P.Linder, Pl. Syst. Evol. 75: 215 (1991).
Plants terrestrial, with linear-Ianceolate, cauline leaves. Inflorescences fairly dense, numerous- flowered. Flowers resupinate, cup-shaped. Median sepal and petals connate; lateral sepals lanceolate, spreading. Lip triangular-hastate, with undivided bilobed elongate appendage, apex of appendage with pendent process. Thecae semi-pendent, on the far corners of an elongate connective; poIlinia 2, sectile; stigmas 2, borne on the terminal rostellum portions; rostellum arms with terminal viscidia, on either side of the base of the lip appendage.
Type species:
Evotella rubiginosa (Sond. ex Bolus) Kurzweil & H.P. Linder.
SW. Cape Prov.
A single rare species in the Western Cape, which has been included in Corycium (Rolfe 1913; Stewart et al. 1982) and Pterygodium (Schlechter 1898a). It is clearly linked with Ceratandra by the more or less anchor-shaped lip and equally long cauline leaves (Kurzweil et al. 1991). The entire lip appendage, a feature which is otherwise unknown in the Ceratandra clade, supports its recognition as a separate genus.
Not in cultivation

Evotella carnosa (Lindl.) J.C.Manning & Goldblatt SW. & S. Cape Prov.
Evotella rubiginosa (Sond. ex Bolus) Kurzweil & H.P.Linder  SW. Cape Prov.

World Checklist of Monocotyledons. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet; http://www.kew.org/wcsp/monocots/ accessed 15/11/2020
Bibliography and References:
Kurzweil H, Linder HP, Chesselet P. 1991 The phylogeny and evolution of the Pterygodium-Corycium complex (Coryciinae, Orchidaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 175. (3-4): 161-223 (1991)