Triceratorhynchus Summerh., Bot. Mus. Leafl. 14: 232 (1951).
This is monotypic genus characterised by a distinctive rostellum structure that becomes visible (with a magnifying glass) when the anther cap and pollinia are removed. The rostellum has three distinct prongs or horns that protrude both up and down, the centre one shorter than the other two.
Type species:
Triceratorhynchus viridiflorus Summerh.
EC. & E. Trop. Africa
Summerhayes coined the name for the genus from three Greek words that allude to this structure, tri (three), keras (horn) and rhynchos (beak or snout). Apart from this curious structure, the small green flowered plants closely resemble same of the smaller species of Angraecum and Angraecopsis.
The first description was made in 1951, although plants had been collected nearly 20 years earlier. They have been collected rather rarely and have probably been overlooked in the warm forests where they occur. The species has not yet been brought into cultivation.
Not in cultivation
Triceratorhynchus viridiflorus Summerh. | Rwanda, Burundi, SW. Uganda, SW. Kenya. |
Summerhayes, Victor Samuel: New Orchids from Africa 1951;WCSP (2017). 'World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. 16.03.2017;