Solenangis Schltr., Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 36(2): 133 (1918).
Gussonea A.Rich., Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris 4: 67 (1828).
Gussonia Spreng., Gen. Pl. 2: 664 (1831).
Neocribbia Szlach., Ann. Bot. Fenn. 40: 69 (2003).
Epiphytes of tree branches, often tightly affixed to its support completely apyllous racemes well developed; stem thin, sometimes simple and very short, other times long and often branched, Flowers small in loose or very dense racemes, often numerous, white or bright orange, notable for the well developed spur in comparison with the rest of the flower. Lateral sepals slightly joined basally. Labellum without an unguis, embracing the base of the column; spur oriface basal to the column. Column upright without a foot. Clinandrium very oblique, turned up behind. Rostellum entirely, extrorse, longer than the back of the clinandrium, with the end (from the bottom of the pollin cap) longly pendent, more or less bifid or notched apically. Anther appendiculate frontally; pollina sessile with a single common (enlarged or bifid) cauda and obliquely retrorse viscidium, forming a sort of hook at the base of the cauda.
Type species:
Not designated.
Trop. & S. Africa, W. Indian Ocean
The name is derived from two Greek words solen (pipe) and angos (vessel) and refers to the large spur at the base of the lip. In same species the lip blade is so insignificant and the rest of the flower so small that the flower at first sight seems to consist only of a spur.
These species grow easily in a suitable environ ment that is warm and humid throughout the year. They can be mounted on a piece of bark but seem to grow and flower just as well when attached to a wire frame or other support. They flourish in strong light and where there is good air movement, and need to dry out well between watering.
Solenangis clavata (Rolfe) Schltr. | W. & WC. Trop. Africa. |
Solenangis conica (Schltr.) L.Jonss. | C. & E. Trop. Africa. |
Solenangis scandens (Schltr.) Schltr. | W. & WC. Trop. Africa. |
Solenangis wakefieldii (Rolfe) P.J.Cribb & J.Stewart | SW. Somalia to E. Tanzania (incl. Zanzibar). |
Bibliography and References:
Carlsward BS, Stern WL, Bytebier B. 2006 Comparative vegetative anatomy and systematics of the angraecoids (Vandeae, Orchidaceae) with an emphasis on the leafless habit. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 151. 165-218.
Fibeck W, Phiri V. 1998 Leafless orchids in Zimbabwe. S. Afr. Orchid J. 29. (3): 79-82 (1998)
Gasson P, Cribb PJ. 1986 the leaf anatomy of Ossiculum aurantiacum Cribb & van der Laan (Orchidaceae: Vandoideae). Kew Bull. 41. 827-32.
Jonsson L. 1979 New combinations in the African genera Chauliodon and Solenangis (Orchidaceae). Bot. Notiser 132. (3): 381 - 384 (1979)
Rice R. 2006 An overview and three new species of the Solenangis aphylla alliance. Oasis 3. (1): 2-11. 3
World Checklist of Monocotyledons.. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet; accessed 31/10/2020