Dinklageella Mansf., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 36: 63 (1934).
Lacroixia Szlach., Ann. Bot. Fenn. 40: 69 (2003).
All the plants exhibit a scandent habit, with a long slender stem bearing widely spaced leaves and many branching aerial roots. Vegetatively, they somewhat resemble Solenangis scandens and Rangaeris trilobata, but these species have quite different flowers.
Type species:
Dinklageella liberica Mansf.
Derivation of name:
The generic name commemorates M. Dinklaage, a late 19th century German merchant and orchid enthusiast in Cameroon.
W. & WC. Trop. Africa
This genus was erected in 1934 in honour of the German merchant and amateur plant collector, M. J. Dinklage (1864-1935), who made many collections in West Africa, in particular in Liberia. German professor Rudolf Mansfeld (1901-1960) was the author.
Dinklageella liberica was the only species known until Summerhayes described a smaller one, D. minor, from Ghana and Liberia in 1960. In 2001, in the course of their work on the orchid flora of Cameroon, Polish botanists Dariusz Szlachetko and Tomasz Olszewski recognised a third species from Gabon. A fourth species has been noted in Sao Tome (Stevart and Oliveira 2000).
All the species grow in warm West African rain forests where same rain falls in every month and humidity is always high. They are usually found along forest margins and in old plantations among bushes and rocks, the long, scandent stems climbing upwards and attached by the aerial roots.
Thus in cultivation they need both high humidity and strong fight in a warm glasshouse, support for the upright stems, perhaps on a tree fem pole, and plenty of water fairly regularly. Dinklageella species are not commonly cultivated.

Dinklageella liberica Mansf. W. & WC. Trop. Africa.
Dinklageella minor Summerh. W. Trop. Africa.
Dinklageella scandens Stévart & P.J.Cribb São Tomé.
Dinklageella villiersii Szlach. & Olszewski Gabon.

Bibliography and References:
Stevart T, Cribb P. 2004 New species and records of Orchidaceae from Sao Tome and Principe. Kew Bull. 59. (1): 77-86 (2004). WCSP (2017). 'World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. 17.03.2017; http://apps.kew.org/wcsp/