Eulophia analavelensis (H.Perrier) M.W.Chase & Schuit., Phytotaxa 491: 50 (2021).
Homotypic Names:

Lissochilus analavelensis H.Perrier, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 8: 41 (1939).
Eulophidium analavelense (H.Perrier) Summerh., Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 27: 395 (1957).
Oeceoclades analavelensis (H.Perrier) Garay & P.Taylor, Bot. Mus. Leafl. 24: 259 (1976).
Heterotypic Synonyms:
Eulophidium angustifolium Senghas, Adansonia, n.s., 6: 557 (1966).
Eulophidium angustifolium subsp. diphyllum Senghas, Adansonia, n.s., 6: 561 (1967).
Oeceoclades angustifolia (Senghas) Garay & P.Taylor, Bot. Mus. Leafl. 24: 258 (1976).
Oeceoclades lavergneae J.-B.Castillon, Richardiana 12: 159 (2012).
Eulophia angustifolia (Senghas) M.W.Chase & Schuit., Phytotaxa 491: 51 (2021).
Eulophia lavergneae (J.-B.Castillon) M.W.Chase & Schuit., Phytotaxa 491: 53 (2021).
Plants 30-40 cm tall, pseudobulbs narrow, 2-3 cm tall, enveloped by the very long, yellowish sheaths, tightly compressed to the rhizome, of the 3-4 mm in diameter; roots white (2-3 mm in diameter). Leaves ordinary solitary per bulb (rarely 2), longly petiolate; petiole thin, 1.5-4 cm long, generally slightly shorter than the limbus, articulate near the middle; limbus narrowly-lanceolate (5-8 cm x 8- 11 mm), coriaceous, maculate with darker green and whitish spots, with much larger spots near the center or above, attenuate acute toward both ends and very finely veined. Inflorescence thin, 2-3 times longer than the pseudobulb and its leaf (30-45 cm), developing prior to the emergence of the new bulb; peduncle 1-2 times longer than the raceme, concealed by the sheaths basally and bearing 4-5 appressed, scariaceous sheaths, to about I 2rnm. long, and not covering more than about one-fifth of the internode; raceme very loose, generally branched near the base with the branch bearing 3-4 flowers, the remainder of the cluster simple and 6-10 flowered, flowers about 1-2 cm apart, bracts very short (1.5-3 mm), acute, not covering more than about a tenth of the total length of the pedicel; flowers glabrous. Sepals and petals nearly similar, slightly obovate (6 x 4 mm), very obtuse apically, yellowish and with 3 obscure veins. Labellum and spur oriface separated from the column by its foot, 4-lobed, much longer than wide (11 mm), provided with 2 large. connical-obtuse basal calluses. and in front of these 3 projecting lines to the base of the apical lobes; basal lobes; nearly an large as the apical, 4 mm wide, obtuse and provided with 4-5 violet tinted veins, very visible on the yellowish background; apical lobes narrower (6.5 x 3 mm), obtuse, margins parallel, diverging and with 3 branched veins: spur 4 mm long, 2 mm wide basally and 2.5 mm apically, rounded-hall shaped. Column 4 mm long, elongated in front by a 1 mm long foot; clinandrium oblique with the posterior margins enlarged-triangular-cute. Anther 1.4 mm wide, truncate apically, provided behind with a hump, 0.8 mm tall. Pedicel 15-18 mm long.
Terrestrial, forest from 950-1250 m alt.;
Flowering in March.
SW. Madagascar
Flora of Madagascar Perrier 1939/81; Orchids of Madagascar Hermans, Du Puy, Cribb & Bosser 2007; Field Guide to the Orchids of madagascar Cribb & Hermans 2009; Expansion of the orchid genus Eulophia (Eulophiinae; Epidendroideae) to include Acrolophia, Cymbidiella, Eulophiella, Geodorum, Oeceoclades and Paralophia by Mark W. Chase, André Schuiteman & Pankaj Kumar. Phytotaxa 491 (1): POWO (2022). "Plants of the World Online. Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet; Retrieved 24 November 2022."

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