Tribe Neottieae Lindl.. Coll. Bot. App. 1826.


Plants with long rhizome. Stem reed-like or with two opposite, plicate to subplicate, leaves. Lip basally saccate to spurred. Seeds of Limodorum or Gastrodia-similar types.

No prominent column foot, but base of the gynostemium massive in some 'cases. Wing-like staminodes forming a distinct dorsal clinandrium, completely reduced in Neottiinae. Rostellum usually shelf-like, truncate, erect to suberect. Viscidium semi-liquid, sticky. Anther erect to suberect.

Pollinia 4, sort and mealy, attenuate towards the apex, rounded at the base.

About 100 species.

Bibliography and References:

Ackerman JD, Williams NH. 1980 Pollen morphology of the tribe Neottieae and its impact on the classification of the Orchidaceae. Grana 19. (1): 7 - 18 (1980)

Burns-Balogh P, Szlachetko DL, Dafni A. 1987 Evolution, pollination and systematics of the tribe Neottieae (Orchidaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 156. (1-2): 91-115 (1987)Mehra PN, Kashyap SK. 1983 Cytological studies in some West Himalayan orchids. Tribe: Neottieae: 1. Sub-tribe: Limodorinae. Caryologia, 36. (1): 33-45 (1983)

Mehra PN, Kashyap SK. 1983 Cytological studies in some West Himalayan orchids. Tribe: Neottieae: 2. Sub-tribe: Neottiinae. Caryologia 36. (1): 47-55 (1983)

Mehra PN, Kashyap SK. 1986 Cytological studies in some west Himalayan orchids. Tribe Neottieae. III. Sub-tribe Spiranthinae. Caryologia. 39. 151-60.

Szlachetko DL. 2003 Arthrochilium, a forgotten genus of the tribe Neottieae. Orchidee 54. (5): 587-589 (2003)

Tohda H. 1986 Seed morphology in Orchidaceae: 3. Tribe Neottieae. Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ., IV, 39. (2): 103-119 (1986)