Nervilia Commerson ex Gaudichaud-Beaupré in Freycinet, Voy. Bot. 421. 1829, nom. cons.
Stellorkis Thouars, Nouv. Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris 19: 317 (1809).
Aplostellis Thouars, Hist. Orchid.: t. 24 (1822).
Codyla Blume, Bijdr.: 416 (1825), nom. illeg.
Cordyla Blume, Bijdr.: 416 (1825), nom. illeg.
Roptrostemon Blume, Fl. Javae: vi (1828).
Haplostellis Endl., Gen. Pl.: 219 (1837).
Rophostemon Endl., Gen. Pl.: 21 (1837), orth. var.
Bolborchis Zoll. & Moritzi, Syst. Verz.: 89 (1846).
Plants terrestrial. Tuber globose or ovoid, fleshy. Leaf 1, growing after flower withered, cordate, orbicular, or kidney-shaped, thick or thin, hairy or glabrous, base cordate, with a stalk, margin entire, undulate, or cornutely toothed, apex acute or obtuse. Inflorescence 1- or many flowered from terminal base; floral bracts often small, slender. Flowers earlier than leaves, or leafless, usually slender, apex of scape with tubular sheaths; flowers medium-sized, with thin pedicel, often pendulous, labellum below or above. Sepals and petals similar, narrowly long, open, half open, or closed; labellum suberect, base without spur, unlobed or 2- or 3-lobed; column slender, clavate, wingless; clinandrium +/- protruded, entire or serrate; anthers inconspicuously 2-loculeed; pollinia 2, 2-lobed or 4-lobed, granular-farinaceous, composed of dividable masses; caudicle extremely short or absent, without viscidium; rostellum short; stigma 1, below rostellum.
Africa to Pacific
Plants can be maintained in cultivation provided great attention is paid to the need for a dormant period after the leaf matures, and a further dry period after flowering. The leaves are more attractive subjects for cultivation than the flowers. The tubers should be planted in a well-drained but moisture- retentive compost, and the pans kept in a suitable place depending on the origin of the tubers - grassland species usually require les s shade than those collected from thicket or forest.,
Key to the flowering species of the genus Nervilia and key to the vegetative species of the genus Nervilia
Bibliography and References:
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