Tylostigma filiforme H.Perrier, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 14: 138 (1951).
Geophyta gracilis erecta, tuberibus 2 anguste oblongis. Folia pauca (3-4), supra caulis medium inserta, subfiliformia (4-5 cm. longa, 1,6 mm. ad basin lata). Racemus subdensus, 15-20-florus, 2-3 cm. longus. Flores in toto 6 mm. longi; ovarium pedicellatum retrorsum adscendens; perianthium 2 mm. longum, ad anthesim subreclinatum. Sepala conniventia, subsimilia. concava, obtuse oblonga (2-2,2 X 0,6-0,7 mm.), opaca, enervia. Petala sepalis paulo breviora sed latiora (1,6 X 1 mm.), hyalina, puncto nigrescente apicem versus ornata. Labellum obtuse calceiforme (2 X 1,5 mm.) ad basim callo parvulo, ad medium speculis 2 et apicem versus callo transverso, facie ornatum; anthera hemispherica, parvula. Capsula obconica (5x2 mm.). costis supra applanatis 6 ornata.
Help wanted to an English translation, please write to me, if you know where this can be found.
Espece ayant un peu l'aspect de T. Perrieri Schltr., mais á gaines inferieures sans limbe, a feuilles developpees au-dessus du miliou á labelle ornemente d'une fagon tres diflerente, a gynosteme a larges lobe anterieurs et a rostelle lineaire.

Key to the varieties Tylostigma filiforme H.Perrier
NE. Madagascar

Tylostigma filiforme subsp. bursiferum H.Perrier, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 14: 138 (1951).
A Tylostigma filiforme differt: planta minor, labelli dorso ad basim transverse bursiculato.
Help wanted to an English translation, please write to me, if you know where this can be found.
NE. Madagascar

Tylostigma foliosum Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 33: 21 (1923).
20-40cm. tall herbs; stem upright, sheathed basally by the limbus-less sheaths, bearing 4-6 lanceolate-linear leaves (generally 18cm. x 8-11mm.). above, shortening gradually and producing the bracts. Rachis densely many flowered, narrowly cylindrical (nearly 13 x 1.4cm ); bracts nanowly lanceolate, greenish. Sepals widely oblong, 3mm. long, the median 1 veined, the laterals oblique and 3 veined. Petals slightly shorter than the sepals, oblique, oval-obtuse, 1 veined, slightly enlarged on their front basal margin. Labellum widely oval-obtuse (2.5 x 2mm.), truncate-rounded basally, bearing a sub-square speculum basally, obviously slightly raised-marginate, and slightly rugose in the apical half. Column very short. Staminodes rounded and irregularly crenulate. Ovary 7mm. long.
Peat-bogs, from 2000m. alt.; flowering: January.
SC. Madagascar

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Botanical Drawing / Herbarium
tylostigma foliosum
Photograph copyright Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Herbarium Jany Renz Image used with kind permission.

Tylostigma herminioides Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 33: 21 (1924).
15-25cm. tall herbs; tubers fusiform, elongated by a root; stem more or less flexuous, sheathed basally by the sheaths, bearing 3-4 very loosely arranged leaves medially, narrowly linear-acute (7-15cm. x 2.75-3.25mm.), the superiors smaller. Rachis straight, very densely several-many flowered (4-10cm. x 7-8mm. in diameter); bracts lanceolate, very acuminate, the inferiors longer than the flowers; flowers greenish. Sepals oval, very obtuse, 3 veined, generally 2mm. long, the laterals oblique. Petals widely oval, very obtuse, oblique, front basal margin slightly enlarged, slightly shorter than the sepals and 2 veined. Labellum (1.75 x 1.25mm.), widely oval-obtuse, obscurely trilobulate in front, slightly rugose in front ever so often, provided with a semi-square speculum basally, slightly raised-marginate, and with another speculum a quarter the size in front. Column short (less than 1mm.). Ovary 3.5mm. long.
From humid localities, from 2200m. alt.; flowering: March.
C. Madagascar

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Botanical Drawing / Herbarium
tylostigma herminioides
Photograph copyright Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Herbarium Jany Renz Image used with kind permission.

Tylostigma hildebrandtii (Ridl.) Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 33: 22 (1924).
Homotypic Synonyms:
Habenaria hildebrandtii Ridl., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 21: 503 (1885).
Very thin herbs, 20-40cm. tall, black when dried; tubers small, oval-cylindrical. Leaves graminiform, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, few in number, below the base of the stem. Rachis thin. 5-6cm. long, compact, with numerous yellowish flowers; bracts linear-acuminate, equal to the ovary or slightly longer. Sepals and petals oval-obtuse, subequal, the laterals carenate and the petals 3 veined. Labellum oval-lanceolate, obtuse, excavated basally, thickened apically. Column very short, thick.
Marshes, from 1500-2000m. alt.; flowering: January.
C. Madagascar