Aeranthes arachnitis (Thouars) Lindl., Bot. Reg. 10: t. 817 (1824).
Dendrobium arachnites Thouars, Hist. Orchid.: t. 88 (1822).
Plants with the appearance of Aeranthes grandiflora Lindl., the peduncles entirely covered by the sheaths, but the mats difference is in the flowers which are half the size of the other species (median sepal 12.5 mm lateral sepals 18 mm; labellum 12 mm.); the leaves narrower (10-20 x 0.6-1,8 cm.); the column foot and the pedicel much shorter. The lateral sepals are oval-acuminate, the labellum cordate-acute, the anther apiculate apically, the auricles obtuse; the pollin oval and the cauda linear.
Aeranthes arachnites comes from low elevations on Reunion Island in the Mascarene group, where it is endemic.
Read more of Cultivation of Aeranthes arachnites (Thouars) Lindl.
A well grown plant of Aeranthes arachnites often carries 6 or more inflorescences and remains in flower continuously throughout most of the summer and fall. In plant size and flower size, it is a "subdued grandiflora." For those who like green flowers, it is a species well worth having.
Botanical Register; 10: t. 817. 1824. The Genera and Species of Orchidaceous Plants 243. 1833. Hamilton, R. 1988. When does it flower? 2nd ed. Robert M. Hamilton, 9211 Beckwith Road, Richmond, B. C., Canada V6X 1V7. Hillerman, F. and A. Holst. 1986. An introduction to the cultivated Angraecoid orchids of Madagascar. Timber Press, Portland, Ore; WCSP (2017). 'World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. 21.01-2017;
Hillerman, F. and A. Holst. 1986. An introduction to the cultivated Angraecoid orchids of Madagascar. Timber Press, Portland, Ore. (Color photo of plant & flower and a drawing of the flower)
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Habitat/ In situ Habitat/ In situ Habitat/ In situ In culture In culture
aeranthes arachnites 01 aeranthes arachnites 02 aeranthes arachnites 03 Aranthes arachnites 01 Aranthes arachnites 02
Photograph Alain Bastide. Image used with kind permission. Photograph Alain Bastide. Image used with kind permission. Photograph Alain Bastide. Image used with kind permission. Photograph Gilles Grunenwald. Image used with kind permission. Photograph Gilles Grunenwald. Image used with kind permission.

Habitat/In situ Habitat/In situ Habitat/In situ Habitat/In situ Habitat/In situ
aeranthes arachnitis aeranthes arachnitis 02 aeranthes arachnitis 03 aeranthes arachnitis 04 aeranthes arachnitis in situ
Photograph P. Bernet ©Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Herbarium Jany Renz Image used with kind permission. Photograph P. Bernet ©Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Herbarium Jany Renz Image used with kind permission. Photograph P. Bernet ©Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Herbarium Jany Renz Image used with kind permission. Photograph P. Bernet ©Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Herbarium Jany Renz Image used with kind permission. Photograph P. Bernet ©Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Herbarium Jany Renz Image used with kind permission.