Aeranthes parvula Schltr., Ann. Inst. Bot.-Géol. Colon. Marseille, III, 1: 186 (1913).
Plants subacaulis, with 6-7 linear (10-12 cm. x 5-10 mm.) leaves. Inflorescences often single flowered generally 14 cm. all; peduncle filiform or nearly setiform, 8 cm long generally with 2-3 distant sheaths shorter than the internodes; bracts small, wide, oval, generally equal to the length of the articulation of the pedicel; flowers small, pure greenish with the extremities brownish and with the bitter-sweet odor of lilies. Sepals oval-lanceolate, acuminate, 10-l2 mm long, the laterals (slightly longer than the median), front margins enlarged-rounded below the center. Petals 8 mm. long, oblong and elongated by an acumin. Labellum (8 x 5 mm medially) subcarinate and acuminate apically, not or slightly cordate basally: foot very large, enlarged marginally, spur oriface wide, claviform-obtuse, slightly incurved and 5 mm. long. Column very short; auricles linear-falciform. Pollina globulous; cauda oblanceolate. attenuate in front: viscidiums oblong, very wide. Pedicel 8 mm long. Capsule oblong, attenuate toward the base, with 3 band- like structures and 3 dorsal edges. The first all flat apically and the last three 3 times wider than the bands.
Epiphytes on the Tamarind trees; flowering: February-March.
As given for the genus.
N. Madagascar.Endemic.
Field Guide to the Orchids of Madagascar Cribb & Herman 2009; WCSP (2017). 'World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. 21.01-2017;
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