Ceratandra venosa (Lindl.) Schltr., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 24: 433 (1897).
Homotypic Synonyms:
Pterygodium venosum Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 367 (1839).
Corycium venosum (Lindl.) Rolfe in W.H.Harvey & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Cap. 5(3): 283 (1913).
Evota venosa (Lindl.) Schelpe, Contr. Bolus Herb. 10: 161 (1982).
Tubers several, cylindrical, closely woolly; stem erect, 15-22 cm. high, closely leafy; lower leaves obovate or lanceolate, 1-2 cm. long, upper longer (2,5-5 cm.) narrower acuminate; spike cylindrical, densely many-fl., bracts linear acuminate a little shorter than the flowers; flowers about 1 cm. long and wide; side sepals broadly ovate or suborbicular emarginate, very concave, spreading; odd sepal narrower obtuse; petals fan-shaped cuneate, incurved spreading, the upper margin irregularly toothed, a little wider than the sepals; lip somewhat orbicular, concave crenulate, bearing a subulate tubercle towards the base, appendage erect fleshy bipartite, the segments flattened hornlike obtuse curved; column bilobed, cells of the anther situate on the exterior margin of either ear-like lobe, erect, glands of the pollinia uppermost, near the summit; stigmas 2; ovary cylindrical.
Colour of the sepals green and dull purple; petals delicate clear rose, sometimes striped; lip pale green at base, the tubercle bright emerald-green, tipped with rosy stripes near the margin; appendage whitish, rosy at base; anther deep red-brown.
It should be searched for amongst quartz rocks, or in quartzose sand.
SW. Cape Prov.