Ceratandra grandiflora Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 364 (1838).
Homotypic Synonyms:
Ceratandropsis grandiflora (Lindl.) Rolfe in W.H.Harvey & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Cap. 5(3): 267 (1913).
An erect glabrous herb, 15-35 cm. high; stem straight or subflexuous, leafy, the leaves erect linear-lanceolate acuminate, amplexicaul at base, 2-6 cm. long, the radical ones numerous, linear or linear-filiform, 1,5-4 cm. long; spike subglobose or ovate, densely many-flowered, the flowers erect-spreading inverted; bracts leaf-like linear-lanceolate acuminate, as long as the ovary or shorter; lateral sepals ascending concave, obliquely ovate, acute, 1-1,2 cm. long; odd sepal loosely cohering with the petals, spreading lanceolate, acute or acuminate, as long as the lateral ones; petals concave clawed, the lamina obliquely and broadly ovate, obtuse or acute, auriculate at the base on the exterior side, 1,1-1,3 cm. long; lip clawed, the claw deflexed oblong, 0 ,5 cm. long, the lamina somewhat reniform, acute or obtuse, auriculate on each side at the base, tuberculate above, 0,1 cm. long; arms of the rostellum erect-incurved, 0,3 cm. long; ovary 0,9-1,4 cm. long.
At elevations of sea-level to 450 meters.
S. Cape Prov.
Flora Capensis, Vol 5, Part 3, page 3, (1913) Author: (By R. A. ROLFE.); THE EVOLUTION OF BEETLE POLLINATION IN ASOUTHAFRICAN ORCHID American Journal of Botany 85(9): 1180–1193. 1998; American Journal of Botany 85(9): 1180–1193. 1998; Orchids of Southern Africa Linder & Kurzweil 1999
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Habitat/In situ |
Photograph Karl Senghas© Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Herbarium Jany Renz Image used with kind permission. |