Ceratandra bicolor Sond. ex Bolus, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 20: 487 (1884).
Homotypic Synonyms:
Evota bicolor (Sond. ex Bolus) Rolfe in W.H.Harvey & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Cap. 5(3): 269 (1913).
Heterotypic Synonyms:
Ceratandra harveyana Sond., Linnaea 19: 108 (1846), nom. illeg.
An erect glabrous herb, 7-23 cm. high; radical leaves 5-10, erect linear acute, 1,5-3,5 cm. long; stem flexuous, distantly leafy, the leaves erect-spreading linear-lanceolate acute, loosely sheathing at base, gradually passing off into the bracts, 1-3 cm. long; spike laxly l-9 fl. (usually 2-4fl.), the flowers erect-spreading; bracts herbaceous, broadly ovate, much shorter than the ovary; lateral sepals spreading-deflexed concave ovate obtuse, 1-1,2 cm. long; odd sepal resupinate lanceolate, loosely cohering with the petals, as long as the lateral sepals; petals resupinate concave, obliquely cuneate obovate, crenulate on the upper widened margin, as long as the odd sepal; limb of the lip tuberculate above in the middle, unguiculate, the lamina somewhat lunate, the lateral lobes ascending, crenulate, 1 cm. long, appendix deeply bifid, the segments erect-incurved linear, acute or obtuse, 0,1-0 8 cm. long; ovary 0,9-1,2 cm. long.
In fynbos at elevations around 90 to 1000 meters.
SW. Cape Prov.

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ceratandra bicolor 02 ceratandra bicolor close up ceratandra bicolor close up 02 ceratandra bicolor close up 03 ceratandra bicolor close up 04 ceratandra bicolor
Photograph copyright P.Linder Image used with kind permission. Photograph copyright P.Linder Image used with kind permission. Photograph copyright P.Linder Image used with kind permission. Photograph copyright P.Linder Image used with kind permission. Photograph copyright P.Linder Image used with kind permission. Photograph copyright Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Herbarium Jany Renz Image used with kind permission.