Vanilla phalaenopsis Rchb.f. ex Van Houtte, Ann. Gén. Hort. 17: 97 (1867).
Leafless liana climbing up to 5 m. Stems are succulent, thick, cylindrical or slightly flattened and grooved, with adventive, soon drying roots in nodes. Tiny deciduous leaves are developed only on base of stem. Inflorescence is axillar umbell. White flowers reach 8 cm in diameter, 5 perianth segments are more or less flat, one is trumpet-like with orange-pink centre. Single stamen and style are united. Capsule is cylindrical, 5–15 cm long, green in maturity.
Sunny places of glacis (granitic hills) from sea level up to 300 m, with shrubs or forest margins. Soils are shallow, stony, extremely poor and dry, climate is very hot (annual average of temperature extend to 27 °C).
Endemic to granitic inner islands of Seychelles archipelago (Mahé, Praslin and Silhouette). Genus Vanilla includes about 100 species from tropical Africa, Asia and America; the most related species grow in Madagascar and southeastern Asia
The Manual Of Cultivated Orchid Species Bechtel, Cribb & Launert 1992
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Vanilla phalaenopsis 02  Vanilla phalaenopsis 01  Vanilla phalaenopsis  Closer 02  Vanilla phalaenopsis  Closer 01  Vanilla phalaenopsis   Close up side  Vanilla phalaenopsis  Close up 02 
Photograph© Rogier
van Vugt. Image used
with kind permission. 
Photograph© Rogier
van Vugt. Image used
with kind permission. 
Photograph© Rogier
van Vugt. Image used
with kind permission. 
Photograph© Rogier
van Vugt. Image used
with kind permission. 
Photograph© Rogier
van Vugt. Image used
with kind permission. 
Photograph© Rogier
van Vugt. Image used
with kind permission.