Jumellea hyalina H.Perrier, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 7: 54 (1938).
Plants caulescent, short in stature (10-15cm); Stem sometimes branched, slightly compressed, 4- 5 mm wide, sheaths traversely rugose; leaves 5-7, linear and short (18-25 x 5-6 mm), rigid, plicate lengthwise and with the apical lobes unequal and rounded. Inflorescences sheathed, ordinarily below the leaves; peduncle short (5-6 mm), thick, entirely covered by the 3-4 thick, rigid, long lasting and slightly carinate sheaths, which are longer than the base of the bracts; bracts similar, 6 mm long, covering nearly a third of the pedicel: flowers small (10 mm long), hyaline and thin textured. Median sepal oval-acute (10 x 4 mm), rounded basally and with a thick point. 3 veined, parting basally, but dividing into 7 the secondaries detaching from the 3 primaries and forming an almost straight angle in front of the 3 parallels; lateral sepals oblong (11 x 3.5 mm), apiculate-acute, enlarged in a wide auricle on the front edge, shortly joined basally. Petals (12 x 4.5 mm) dilate-rounded basally on the back margin and on the opposite margin to- ward the apical (bird. subacute apically. Labellum (10-11 x 8 mm above the center) narrowly attenuate in the lower half, then abruptly enlarged in a flabelliform-transverse lamina above, widely rounded in front with a thick median obtuse apicule; provided basally with a connical callus; 11 veined in the unguis, slightly branched in the lamina near the apex; spur longer (10-11 mm) than the labellum, cylindrical. Column 2 mm tall auricles 1.5 mm tall, very obtuse in front: median tooth small and acicular. Anther 1.5 mm in diameter: pollina black, semi-oval; retinacles 2, oblique, oval-triangular (1 x 0.5 mm), acute apically, bearing the pollina in the upper third. Pedicel 15-16 mm long.
Epiphyte: In mossy forests, from 1500 m alt.: flowering in January.
As given for the genus, warm to cool growing epiphyte.
Plants with the look of the members of the genus Angraecum of the section Perrieriangraecum, but the column is provided with arms, to as much as 1.5 mm long and pollina of other Jumelleas.
C. Madagascar
Flora of Madagascar Perrier 1938/81; Cultivated Angraecoid Orchids Of Madagascar Hillerman & Holst 1986; Angraecoid Orchids Stewart, Hermans, Campbell 2006; Orchids of Madagascar Hermans 2007; Field Guide to the Orchids of Madagascar Cribb & Herman 2009; WCSP (2017). 'World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. 19.02-2017; http://apps.kew.org/wcsp/
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