Graphorkis ecalcarata (Schltr.) Summerh., Kew Bull. 8: 161 (1953).
Homotypic Names:
Eulophiopsis ecalcarata Schltr., Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 34(2): 332 (1916).
Lissochilus ecalcaratus (Schltr.) H.Perrier, in Fl. Madag. 49(2): 36 (1941).
Pseudobulbs very tightly appressed, ovoid-ellipsoid (4-6 x 1.5 cm), the older bulbs aphyllous and enveloped h the more or less persistant sheaths, the most recent developing prior to flowering, bearing 4- 5 leaves, articulate medially to the sheath, falling prior to fruiting and from the base of the flower scape; articulation ob the sheath irregular but not dentate; limbus graminiform, linear-acute (20-25 cm x 7-8 mm). Inflorescence racemiform or paniculate, longly pedicelate, loose and with the flowers more or less numerous: bracts lanceolate, shorter than the pedicel; flowers generally 2 cm long, greenish punctate with red, the labellum small, maculate with red. Sepals oval-obtuse, slightly attenuate basally. Petals similar, but slightly wider, labellum 7 mm long, compressed basally, trilobed; lateral lobes marginal, upright and obtuse; median lobe transverse-arched, with 2 acute, inferior angles, rounded and apiculate apically; spur absent. Column 4.5 mm long. Pedicel l cm, long.
Epiphyte, from eastern forests, 0-600 m alt., flowering in October-January.
Warm to cool growing epiphyte.
NE. Madagascar
Flora of Madagascar Perrier 1938/85; Orchids of Madagascar Hermans 2007; Field Guide to the Orchids of Madagascar Cribb & Herman 2009; African Orchids: XXI V. S. Summerhayes, Kew Bulletin, Vol. 8, No. 1 (1953), pp. 129-162
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