Liparis longipetala Ridl., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 21: 459 (1885).
Homotypic Synonyms:
Leptorkis longipetala (Ridl.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 671 (1891).
Medium-sized epiphytic or terrestrial plant, 5 – 25 cm tall, rhizome short, roots wiry, thin, glabrous av. 1 mm diam. Pseudobulbs fleshy, whitish-green, spherical or oval, 10 – 18 × 9 – 16 mm, enveloped by thin bract-like sheaths, with 2 – 3 leaves generally persisting on the previous growths. Leaves pale green, erect to erectly spreading, ligulate to oblanceolate, the lower 1/3 somewhat narrowing, becoming longly attenuate, the basal sheaths papery and enveloping the petiole, 6 – 16 cm × 8 – 20 mm. Inflorescence erect, from the side of the pseudobulbs, somewhat curved at the tip, up to 22 cm long, 1 – 2 mm in diam., 8 – 25 flowers. Peduncle with 2 – 4 scales or narrowly acute sterile bracts, 6 – 8 × 1.5 – 2 mm, in the lower half. Rachis loosely racemose, flowers 8 – 12 mm apart, 4 – 6.5 cm. Floral bracts thin, narrowly acute, 3 – 9 × 1.3 – 2 mm, becoming shorter towards the apex of the inflorescence. Flowers small, overall av. 7 × 10 mm, pale green to yellow with the lip often darker, olive-green, the column almost white, anther pale green, overall becoming more yellow-brown with age. Pedicellate ovary subfiliform to slightly ridged, becoming a distinct thicker and twisted ovary towards the base, 6 – 16 mm long. Dorsal sepal broadly linear to lanceolate, subacute, curved backwards, 3-veined, 5.6 – 8 × 1.1 – 1.9 mm. Lateral sepals oblong to almost oval, falcate, 4.1 – 6.1 × 1.4 – 3.2 mm. Petals linear, sometimes a little wider towards the tip, 5.2 – 8.5 × 0.4 – 1.1 mm. Lip with a narrow auriculate base then expanding into an obovate to broadly oval blade, emarginated with a small apicule at the tip, with a long rounded ridge-like basal callus with a more or less bilobed or thickened tip, 3.5 – 5.5 × 2.3 – 4.1 mm. Column slender, curved towards the apex, expanded below the rostellum into distinct, long, angular pointed wings, 3 – 4.9 × 0.8 – 1.2 mm. Anther suborbicular with a long curved acute beak, 0.8 – 1.3 × 0.7 × 1. Pollinia 2, generally bipartite, without viscidium. The anther chambers sometimes contain one or sometimes two pollen masses; this variation occurs even in individual flowers on the same inflorescence, c. 0.4 × 0.3 mm. Seed capsule sub-spherical 5 – 6 mm diam.
Referring to the petals which are said to be longer than in other species. Liparis anthericoides refers to the vegetative similarities with Anthericum (Liliaceae).
A medium-sized plant with rounded pseudobulbs enveloped by thin white papery sheaths, two long lanceolate leaves, a laxly-flowered inflorescence and flowers with a long rounded callus at the base of the lip, long and angular column wings, and an anther with a very acute beak. The lip often appears darker than the rest of the flower in herbarium material.
Wet evergreen forest, in forest on mossy ground or epiphytic in evergreen forest. Altitude: 800 – 1500 m.
Flowering in February to August.
As given for the genus.
Endemic to Madagascar
Flora of Madagascar: vascular plants: 49th family, Orchids / by H. Perrier de La Bathie; published under the auspices of the government of Madagascar and under the direction of H. Humbert; English revision and translation by Steven D. Beckman; Malaxideae (Orchidaceae) in Madagascar, the Mascarenes, Seychelles and Comoro Islands Kew Bulletin volume 75, Article number: 1 (2020)
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