Liparis tridens Kraenzl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 28: 162 (1900).
A dwarf epiphyte. Pseudobulbs to 13 x 7 mm, ovoid, bright green. Leaves about seven, distichous, 6 x 1 cm, occasionally slightly bigger, oblong-lanceolate, roe edges undulate, thin-textured,the midvein prominent on the underside. Inflorescences terminal, 5-10 cm long, densely several-flowered. Flowers greenish-yellow. Dorsal sepal 3 x 1 mm, ovate, acute; laterals slightly longer and wider. Petals 3 x 0.5 mm, linear. Lip trilobed, with a bilobed callus at the base; side lobes triangular; midlobe 5 mm long, linear, acuminate, roe margins curved up, the whole lobe sharply bent up about halfway. Column 1.5 mm long, winged at the base and the apex.
Sunk in moss on branches of trees in submontane forest, usually near a stream, 900-1800 m.
High humidity appears to be essential, and so plants are likely to do better potted in a rather fine bark mix than mounted. Plants are deciduous in the dry season, so should be kept drier then. Otherwise, intermediate temperatures and heavy shade should be suitable.
Trop. Africa
AFRICAN ORCHIDS. XIII V. S. Summerhayes, Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University, Vol. 11, No. 5 (November 10, 1943), pp. 137-170; Flora of West Tropical Africa, Vol 3, Part 1,
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